Jake Vest is a fully functioning multimedia suite unto himself. Created by Steve Jobs as an experiment in artificial intelligence, Jake escaped his Cupertino prison in 1984 when he became aware of Jobs' plan to destroy the only prototype of the iJake. Unaware of the incredible powers that he possesed Jake spent the next 18 years of his life in the small town of Marion, Arkansas where he was adpoted by the Vest clan as one of their own despite his dour disposition. Becoming sentient wasn't easy for Jake and the only thing that brought him simulated joy were the films of Richard Donner. With the release of Donner's Lethal Weapon 3 a latent script in Jake's programming was activated and suddenly his life's purpose became clear: to bring joy to the pathetic humans through the use of multimedia. Little did Jake know that Jobs (a longtime bowling buddy of Donner's) himself had hidden within Lethal Weapon 3 an activation code for Jake's programming within the clever dialogue of the film's climax.
Inspired by the success of Disco Duck, it was in Memphis, Tennessee that Jake decided to begin his multimedia empire. Within a few short years Jake had virtually defined the Bluff City's visual and aural aesthetic with a unique vision that found its shape in his various projects. You can hear his mellow guitar licks on almost every album of note to have been released in the past 5 years. But seriously folks, Jake is a major badass with a minor in nifty. He can whip together a website, compose a cantata, record a record, edit your latest edition and anything else involving pixles and soundwaves. Check out Jakes personal blog of all things esoteric at: americangrapefruit.com