Film and Video Audio Recording Surround Sound Graphic Design
"If music be the food of love play on." I was told that some guy named Shakespeare said that and if he did I couldn't agree more. The ears are the clearest windows to our emotional worlds and we at New School have a deep passion for all things audio. On staff we have a couple of legendary Memphis musicians and our audio facility is one of the finest in the Mid-South. We offer on-set audio, ADR recording, voice-overs, mixing, mastering, original music production, band recordings, radio spots and dozens of other audio services masterfully designed to tickle your ear-holes. If you can imagine it with audio we can make it a reality. We have the latest Pro-Tools software with a rich set of plug-ins as well as a cadre of analog equipment including some of the nicest microphones, compressors and tape-machines around.
Recently New School was tasked with the soundtrack and audio mix for Memphis Heat: The True Story of Memphis Wrasslin'. We also produce original music for Spark, a physical education and wellness program that uses music and dance in schools all over the country.
Sean Faust is our on-set audio guru. He comes packing with his own digital recorder and is widely regarded in the industry for his uncanny ability to hide a microphone. His professional aptitude is only matched by his professional attitude. Bad audio is the death of even the most gorgeous video. Don't dismiss this essential part of your production. If, however, it's too late and your production suffers from subpar sound Sean has a room full of gadgets to gussy up your sound and make your production more professional.
New School is now the home of legendary and altitudinous music producer Doug Easley. His credits are mind-boggling but to name a few he has worked on albums for Loretta Lynn, The White Stripes, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Cat Power, Jeff Buckley, Townes Van Zandt and the list could go on and on. There is absolutely no one around who can hold a candle to Doug's engineering abilities. Just Google the guy if you don't believe me. He's also mighty handy with a miter saw, so if you have a deck that needs building, he's your man. Easley does it!